Science in the News: Astronomy Press Releases
Science isn't just a bunch of facts discovered centuries ago.
It's not just theories put forth by dead European white males. It's an
evolving, exciting, and very active endeavor, and we're living in a
golden age of astronomical discoveries.
Sorted by song, we list recent news stories about science results or events. By using these
news stories, teachers can demonstrate the relevance of astronomy right now. Some of
these press releases are written at a college level, so teachers should read them and
present the content in whatever way suits them and their students. Items are cycled off
this list to a press release archive
after a month or two, so check back often to see the latest results!
Last updated: Saturday, 25-May-2013 15:00:04 EDT
Nine Planets
(Solar system planets, except Mars and Earth)
Sun Song
(The Sun)
Habitable Zone
(Searching for habitable planets or
comparative planetology or Earth Science done from space)
Lunar Love
(The Moon)
(Hubble press releases that don't fit nicely into another category, and image releases)
Come and Visit Mars
A Little Bit of Rock
(Comets, asteroids, meteors)
Dance of the Planets
(Extrasolar planets)
Doppler Shifting
(Spectroscopy and/or results determined by using the
Doppler shift)
Wolf 359
(Stars in general)
Cosmic Radio Show
(Radio astronomy, cosmology and the early universe)
High Energy Groove
(X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomy)
Swift Song
(Gamma-ray bursts and other cosmic blasts)