
A Musical Exploration of the Universe

About AstroCappella

Our Mission: Spreading science through a cappella and a cappella through science across a wide swath of the known Universe.

AstroCappella is a marriage of astronomy and music, developed by astronomers and educators and professionally recorded by the rocking a cappella group The Chromatics.

The Chromatics has a low-volume mailing list. Join the mailing list for information delivered to your inbox. Learn about live performances, activities, and new products.

Next Astro Performance

Dec 2024...TBA

More info about future performances

Things to do here

Listen to the Songs

Listen to the songs

Many of the songs are available here on this website. Listen to them and read the lyrics.

Most songs are available on iTunes. Some are only available on the physical CDs, AstroCappella 2.0 and Shoulders of Giants.

Do the Activities

Do the activities and use the lesson plans

Do the activities associated with the songs. All of the activities and lessons are available here. Puzzles are only available via the CD/CD-ROM.

The science behind the songs

Discover the science topics

Read about the science that informs our music. These short backgrounders were written by NASA scientists.

The AstroCappella 2.0 CD/CD-ROM

Get the AstroCappella 2.0 CD

A dozen original songs on topics from our solar system to the most energetic events at the far reaches of the universe. Sky & Telescope called it "An astronomy class set to music" and Astronomy Today said "Lively, entertaining, and educational." This CD is also a CD-ROM that contains all the lyrics, activities, lesson plans and background material.

Available from iTunes

Featured Multimedia

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JWST Funk video

Celebrating the James Webb Space Telescope, which launched Dec 25, 2021.

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Noctilucent Cloud video

NASA produced this beautiful video about noctilucent clouds, set to our original song about these enigmatic clouds at the edge of our atmosphere.

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Mars video

Our song, "Come and Visit Mars" is a travelogue: find out what you need to visit and what it might be like! Animated by MICA instructor Matthew Smith, just for us.

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Dance of the Planets video

A story of coming of age in the galaxy. How we went from knowing only about the planets in our solar system, to realizing there are more planets than stars in our galaxy.

© 2024 The Chromatics